Projects in Phononics
Phononic materials are a sub-class of metamaterials that can manipulate elastic waves and vibrations in solids. Our studies cover a broad range of phononic structures, starting from simple mass-spring networks to complex three-dimensional architectures with target functionalities at broadband sound and ultrasound frequencies.

Dissipative polymer phononics
The dynamics of a phononic medium is governed by its geometric architecture rather than the chemical composition of constituent materials. We show that viscoelastic material behavior affects wave dynamics and provide guidelines on how to predict wave behavior in thermoplastic and thermoset phononic plates.
Project leader: A. Krushynska
Status: ongoing

The follow-up research is funded by a grant in the Open Competition Domain Science-M programme of the NWO Domain Board Science. M-grants are intended for innovative, high-quality, fundamental research and/or studies involving matters of scientific urgency.
Broadband attenuation and waveguding in phononics
This project aims at the design of phononic structures capable of attenuating elastic waves at broadband frequencies, including the challenging low-frequency range. The wave attenuation functionality also allows achieving waveguiding along an arbitrarily shaped wave path with a strong wave localization.
Project leaders: A. Krushynska, N. Anerao
Status: finished

Wave attenuation in metallic additively manufactured structures
This project aims at exploring possibilities for effective wave and vibration attenuation enhanced by material properties of polymer metamaterials produced by means of additive manufacturing tachniques.
Project leaders: A. Krushynska
Status: ongoing
Wave dynamics in disordered networks
The frequency of a wave is a crucial parameter to understanding its propagation to a structured medium. While metamaterials can be designed to focus or steer deformations or waves toward a specific location, wave steering toward multiple targeted locations at different frequencies remains challenging. Here we show that pruning of random elastic networks allows realizing such multi-objective, multi-frequency acoustic steering. Our study opens up a viable route to the rational design of multi-frequency acoustic metamaterials.

Project leaders: A. Krushynska, M. van Hecke (University of Leiden & AMOLF)
Status: ongoing